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  2. Spare parts
All our machines are guaranteed machine breakage*

Spare parts

Sodipices TP


Always with the aim of best satisfying our customers, SODINEG, SODIPIECES TP have developped complementary activities such as reselling spare parts and equipement for construction machinery, heavy trucks and handling.

SODIPIECES is established in the same buildings as Sodineg at Neuville St. Amand where you can finde more than 300 equipements such as buckets (excavation, cut, cleaning out, trapeze), …, quick hitch, grabs, hammers, dozer blade, ripper, shorting grabs...

You can also find complete machines for spare parts, as well as used and new bungalows and containers.

Due to the international network provider, SODIPIECES TP is able to answer all your requests for specific needs.

Contact :
Tel : +33(0)6 70 97 60 26
Mail :

*on less than 10 years machines - **Kilometers and hours not guaranteed

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